Nordic Girl
I was so amazed when I finally used my pan pastels. Honestly, I felt a bit overwhelmed by them.... Thanks to Jane Davenport's book "Beautiful Faces," I was able to draw my own Nordic Girl and apply her techniques. Page 79
I love how soft and kind pan pastels are. A great look!!!
11 by 14 water color 140 pound
Pastel pencils - color skin tone
blending stump
Parm Violet Prisma color pencil
Matte spray fixative and Liquitex Matte Varnish
acrylic paint of your choice for background - paynes grey
Scarf I used acrylic paints by Creamcoat - Waterlemon, Lime Green, Pumpkin, Sunshine Soleil and Apple Barrel Caribbean
snowflake stencil for background using modeling paste using ranger acrylic paint by ranger called Pearl mixed golden Payne's Gray
What I did
I used a 11 by 14 140 pound water color sheet, covered the paper with clear gesso and waited for it to dry. I drew a nordic girl - the idea came from a children's t-shirt, and it was cold out today, so I thought, "why not?"! I sketched out my girl using prisma color that was hanging around. If you have the book "Beautiful Faces," just follow the book on page 79 to 81 for the technique. If you don't have it, here was my process.
I sketched in a skin-tone pastel pencil my Nordic Girl. I loaded my darker skin tone Red Iron Oxide Tint and placed the darker skin tone into the deep parts of the face. Then, I placed the lighter skin tone around the eyes and at the edges of the face and hairline Burnt Sienna Tint.
I used mauve for the translucent skin around the eyes (Magenta Tint). I used permanent Red Tint for the cheeks a bit on the nose. Layer the white Tint on the high points of the face cheekbones and bow bones. Next, I deepened the eye sockets with the darker purple (Violet Tint).
After lightly blending the pastel that has been layered so far, I defined the lash line and the eyelid crease with a dark brown pastel pencil. Next, I added a deep coral for the lips, tear ducts and nose details. I softened the lines by blending lightly with a paper stump.
For the hair, I used a yellow pastel to outline my lines and added some creamacoat acrylic Sunshine Soliel as well for more definition.
For the scarf, I used creamacoat Watermelon, Lime Green, Pumpkin, Carribbean Blue, and Sunshine Soliel.
I used permanent red for the lips in the pan pastel perm red.
Once everything was dry, I painted the background with Golden Payne's Gray.
Using a 12 by 12 snowflake stencil, I used the Adirondack Acrylic paint Pearl with Payne's Gray and mixed it with the light modeling paste. Using a brush, I covered over the stencil. I didn't want the snowflakes to take away from the girl - that is why I added Payne's Gray.