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Girl in Yellow

What I used to make the Girl in Yellow

Gesso clear

Watercolor paper - I used hot press Strathmore Series 500

I used my #6 Neptune water brush with Daniel Smith yellow ochre water color paint. I added a wash of ochre in the deepest parts of the face.

I puddled some diluted magenta Daniel Smith for the cheeks and lips and inside the eyes. Once it dried, I went over with pink opera Daniel Smith - my fav!!!

I used Payne's Gray acrylic paint by Ceramcoat for the hair. Then I added pearl white from ranger creating white highlights in the hair. I went over it with the my white sharpie to create a sense of movement.

I used Tahiti Blue Ceramcoat for the eyes.

I used Sweet Pea by Ceramcoat acrylic paint for the deepest parts of the eyes.

I went over the face using Col-erase, which is black pencil that reacts to water, followed by a damp brush to make it blend.

I used Jane Davenport's Carbon Ink Pen for pupils.

I painted the dress with Daniel Smith Watercolor Amethyst Genuine.

I looked at my color wheel to see which background would pop the hair and dress and found Ceramcoat's cantalope Melon. I used Jane Danvenport's Carbon Ink Pen to write in the background

I used my white sharpie to highlight all parts of the painting - hair top of eye lids, white of the eyes, up the nose on the top of the lip and bottom on lip around the face body and outfit.

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